Changing Semesters

     As the undergraduate semester comes to close this week I'm excited about the future.  I was blessed to have, for the most part, very engaged and active students.  That isn't always the case of course.  Whenever more than 90% of those trying to expand their knowledge and skills are willing to ask good questions, discuss how the theoretical relates to their work lives and experience, and actually does their assignments on time, the work is so much more rewarding.  
     One can't really make a living as adjunct faculty which more and more colleges are increasing their use of.  I follow a LinkedIn discussion group for adjunct faculty and there's been a lot of posting this semester in that regard.   The benefit to the college is that adjunct simply cost less.  A lot less.  The benefit to the students is that they get scholar practitioners who may be able to bridge the gap between theory and practice more readily. 
    I know in my degree attainment I would have loved more professors to close their text, stop the PowerPoint and cross that gap.  Those that did made a much larger impact on me than those that read their script, and told us to take the test by Friday or answer the questions at the end of the chapter.   I wonder, for those who have taught the same subjects for years with the same text and the same questions if they really read them?
     I despair for the waning of the joys of reading and the ability to write clear, concise, and thoughtful papers.  Too often it seems our society has moved to finding the quick, short, Wikipedia (no offense intended) answers without investing the time needed for getting to the root rather than just coloring the surface.   I've just finished a three month online teacher certification training and I can honestly say it wore me out.  Having come from and living in the business and media worlds into teaching I found that my knowledge was near nothing compared to my academic classmates who have teaching degrees. 
     The graduate classes I teach continue through the end of the month, and there's only a couple of weeks before I start teaching in the summer session for Siena Heights.  By the way, I don't really know any adjunct or full time faculty who teach for the money.  They teach because they love helping people grow, change and hopefully make a positive impact on the world as they evolve into both doers and life-long learners.  I can think of no higher calling, outside of ministry.  Some are called to be preachers, some teachers, some elders, but all are called to serve.
    Of course teaching is an ongoing activity in our organizations outside of academics.  Developing an organizational learning culture is crucial for innovation, adaptation and sustainability today.    Every day there are teaching moments, particularly in the knowledge gap between generations.  Anyone in your office need some help you can provide today?


  1. I have a soft spot in my heart for teachers - - we have elementary teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers and college professors in our family. Although I like the idea that we are ALL teachers, teaching always by our example (whether good or bad) and hopefully sharing our unique knowledge with others. Thanks for this post!


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