One Small Moment

The overcast skies with little thunder
Rain interspersed with the sand
The early blooms confused by Michigan March
Less snow all season long
Than we used to see in a month

An early morning visit to the doctor
Hoping for back alignment
A symbol when life itself seems
Disjointed from so many attentions
And Dreams of years long gone

Hope slips in like the sun
Through the clouds outside
After rests between the tasks
Which daily adjust to the souls
That wander into shared space

Looking for an omen of purpose
An inkling of direction amidst
Their own inner storms
And grateful for a hearing ear
A soft word of comfort peace

That opens the universe anew
With salve to heal old scars
The eyes alight and glimmering
For paths hitherto not walked
Revealed in a moment of grace

Dream Flat Tires - Joni Mitchell.


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